Poudel, D.D. 2021. Asta-Ja and Energy Security in Nepal, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 40(2), 95–120, doi: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.4021
Eddings, K., DD Poudel, T.W. Duex, R.L. Miller, and J.C. Berry. 2021. Changing climatic conditions and surface water quality in Southwestern Louisiana in the United States, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 39_1-4, 355-380. DOI: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.391414
Poudel, D.D. 2021. Asta-Ja Framework: A Peaceful Approach to Food, Water, Climate, and Environmental Security Coupled with Sustainable Economic Development and Social Inclusion in Nepal, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Vol. 39_1-4, 243-318. DOI: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.391412
Poudel, D.D., K. Belbase, M. De Boevre, S. De Saeger, and P. Dahal. 2021. Climate Smart Dry Chain for Food and Nutrition Security in Nepal, Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 39(1-4):131-150. doi: 10.13052/spee1048-4236.39147
Poudel, D.D., A.M. Cazan, A.Y. Oguma, and P.L. Klerks. 2020. Monitoring fish, benthic invertebrates and physicochemical properties of surface water for evaluating nonpoint source pollution control in coastal agricultural watersheds, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 75(2):177-190. doi:10.2489/jswc.75.2.177
Poudel, D.D., T.W. Duex, and R. Poudel. 2020. Drinking water security in the mid-hill region of Nepal, ASEJ - Scientific Journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law, 24(1):44-48. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1351 (online)
Hali Corwin, Katie Eddings, George Bailey, Andrew Braun, Aubrey Mann, Victoria Gomez, Holly Heafner, William Faulk, Luke Immel, Allison Hingdon, Brandon Stelly, Brittany N. Broussard, Layken Willis, Timothy C. Martin, Thomas J. Mizelle, Avery J. Baker, Timothy Duex, Durga D. Poudel. 2019. Enriching college students through study abroad: A case of Nepal Field Experience Part 3, ASEJ 23(4):38-44. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0013.6852 (online)
Hali Corwin, Katie Eddings, George Bailey, Andrew Braun, Aubrey Mann, Victoria Gomez, Holly Heafner, William Faulk, Luke Immel, Allison Hingdon, Brandon Stelly, Brittany N. Broussard, Layken Willis, Timothy C. Martin, Thomas J. Mizelle, Avery J. Baker, Timothy Duex, Durga D. Poudel. 2019. Enriching college students through study abroad: A case of Nepal Field Experience Part 2, ASEJ 23(4):30-37. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0013.6850 (online)
Hali Corwin, Katie Eddings, George Bailey, Andrew Braun, Aubrey Mann, Victoria Gomez, Holly Heafner, William Faulk, Luke Immel, Allison Hingdon, Brandon Stelly, Brittany N. Broussard, Layken Willis, Timothy C. Martin, Thomas J. Mizelle, Avery J. Baker, Timothy Duex, Durga D. Poudel. 2019. Enriching college students through study abroad: A case of Nepal Field Experience Part 1, ASEJ 23(4):24-29. DOI:10.5604/01.3001.0013.6832 (online)
Wang, X., G. Kinsland, D. Poudel, and A. Fench. 2019. Urban flood prediction under heavy precipitation, Journal of Hydrology, 577 (2019) 123984. 1-21.
Poudel, D.D. 2019. Agricultural and Natural Resources Development Strategy in Nepal, Asian Profile, 47(1): 1-17.
Poudel, D.D. 2018. Management of Cooperatives Focusing on Asta-Ja and Globalization, Journal of Comparative International Management, 21(1):77-84.
Poudel, D.D. 2018. Restructuring National Planning Commission Focusing on Asta-Ja and Nepal Vision 2040, Asian Profile, 46(2):151-167.
Poudel, D.D. and T.W. Duex. 2017. Vanishing Springs in Nepalese Mountains: An Assessment of Water Sources, Farmer’s Perceptions, and Climate Change Adaptation, Mountain Research and Development, 37(1):35-46. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00039.1
Poudel, D.D. 2016. Management of Asta-Ja System, Journal of Comparative International Management, 19(2):19-40.
Poudel, D.D. and T.W. Duex. 2016. Vanishing Springs in Nepalese Mountains: An Assessment of Water Sources, Farmer’s Perceptions, and Climate Change Adaptation, Mountain Research and Development [In Review]
Poudel, D.D. 2016. Surface Water Quality Monitoring of an Agricultural Watershed for Nonpoint Source Pollution Control, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(4):310-326.
Poudel, D.D. 2015. Factors associated with farm-level variation, and farmers’ perception and climate change adaptation in smallholder mixed-farming livestock production system in Nepal, Int. J. Environmental and Sustainable Development 14(3): 231-257.
Poudel, D.D., T. Lee, R. Srinivasan, K.C. Abbaspour, and C.Y. Jeong. 2013. Assessment of seasonal and spatial variation of surface water quality, identification of factors associated with water quality variability, and the modeling of critical nonpoint source pollution areas in an agricultural watershed, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(3): 155-171 www.swcs.org.
Poudel, D.D. 2012. The Asta-Ja Management Capacity-building Framework for Sustainable Development in Nepal, International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.334-352.
Wang, Yi-Hong, D.D. Poudel, and K.H. Hasenstein. 2011. Identification of SSR markers associated with saccharification yield using pool-based genome-wide association mapping in sorghum, Genome 54: 1-7.
Poudel, D.D. 2011. A strategic framework for environmental and sustainable development in Nepal. International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development , 10(1):48-61.
Poudel, D.D., C.Y. Jeong, and A. DeRamus. 2010. Surface runoff water quality from agricultural lands and residential areas. Outlook on Agriculture, 39(2):95-105.
Poudel, D.D. 2009. The Asta-Ja Environmental and Natural Resources Policy Framework (Asta-Ja ENRPF) for Sustainable Development in Nepal. Journal of Comparative International Management, 12(2): 49-71.
Poudel, D.D. and C.Y. Jeong. 2009. Manual composite sampling in edge-of-field surface runoff for assessing nonpoint source pollution from agricultural lands and residential areas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 64(5):324-335.
Poudel, D.D. and J.A. Foret. 2009. Effects of mowing, herbicide application, and the use of plant growth regulator on plant stand height and floral cover of Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria), Clasping Leaf Coneflower (Dracopsis amplexicaulis), Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella), and Wild Petunia (Ruellia pedunculata). Journal of the Louisiana State Horticulture Society. 4: 4-16.
Poudel, D.D. 2008. Management of Eight ‘Ja’ for Economic Development in Nepal. Journal of Comparative International Management, 11(1): 1-13.
Poudel, D.D. and M.J. Simon. 2008. Pasture-based dairy and water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) for reduced biological oxygen demand in dairy discharge water. Outlook on Agriculture, 37(2): 135-142.
Poudel, D.D., S. Guedry, T. Sasek, M. Simon, J. Foret, D. Wollard, C. Anzalone, and D. Bell. 2008. Wildflower Seed Bank, Highway Beautification, and Tourism Promotion in Louisiana. Journal of the Louisiana State Horticulture Society 3:21-48.
Poudel, D.D. and J.A. Foret. 2008. Effects of seed treatment and seeding depth on the germination of Plains Coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria), Clasping Leaf Coneflower (Dracopsis amplexicaulis), Wild Petunia (Ruellia pedunculata), and Indian Blanket (Gaillardia pulchella). Journal of the Louisiana State Horticulture Society 3:58-66.
Poudel, D.D. 2006. Challenges for improving surface water quality in an agricultural watershed in Louisiana. In: Xu, Y.J. and V.P. Singh (Eds), Coastal Environment and Water Quality, Proceedings of the AIH 25th Anniversary Meeting & International Conference "Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality", Baton rouge, Louisiana, USA. May 21 - 24, 2006, Water Resources Publications, LLC. Pp. 251-261.
Poudel, D.D., C.Y. Jeong, and C. Anzalone. 2006. Seasonal variation in dissolved oxygen levels in Bayou Plaquemine Brule watershed. In: Poudel, D.D. (Ed.) 2005 Louisiana Surface Water Quality Conference Proceedings. June 1-3, 2005. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp.12-22.
Poudel, D.D., C.Y. Jeong, C. Anzalone, T.Haley, G.Guidroz, and D. Deoras. 2006. Nutrient loadings from sugarcane fields, pasture lands, and residential areas with and without best management practices (BMPs). In: Poudel, D.D. (Ed.) 2005 Louisiana Surface Water Quality Conference Proceedings. June 1-3, 2005. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp.104-123.
Whitnel, J.C., D.D. Poudel, T. Duex, and R. Clary. 2006. Surface water quality, bottom sediments, and landuse types in Bayou Plaquemine Brule watershed. In: Poudel, D.D. (Ed.) 2005 Louisiana Surface Water Quality Conference Proceedings. June 1-3, 2005. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp.23-36.
Jeong, C.Y. and D.D. Poudel. 2006. Rainstrom effect on total suspended solids and nutrient concentration in Bayou Plaquemine Brule. In: Poudel, D.D. (Ed.) 2005 Louisiana Surface Water Quality Conference Proceedings. June 1-3, 2005. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. pp.37- 49.
Poudel, D.D. (Ed.). 2006. 2005 Louisiana Surface Water Quality Conference Proceedings. June 1-3, 2005. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. 161 p.
Poudel, D.D., L.M. Vincent, C. Anzalone, J. Huner, D. Wollard, T. Clement, A. DeRamus, and G. Blakewood. 2005. Hands-on activities and challenge tests in agricultural and environmental education. The Journal of Environmental Education 36(4):10-22.
Poudel, D. D. 2003. Book Review. Sustainable food and agriculture, I.G. Malkina-Pykh and Y.A. Pykh. Agricultural Systems 80:303-306.
Poudel, D.D., W.R. Horwath, W.T. Lanini, S.R. Temple, and A.H.C. van Bruggen. 2002. Comparison of soil N availability and leaching potential, crop yields and weeds in the organic, low-input, and conventional farming systems in northern California. Agriculture, Ecosystems Environment 90: 125-127.
Colla, G., J.P. Mitchell, D.D. Poudel, and S.R. Temple. 2002. Changes of tomato yield and fruit elemental composition in conventional, low input, and organic systems. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 20(2):53–67.
Poudel, D.D., and R.E. Wildman. 2001. Farming Systems and Nutritional Quality of Crops- A Brief Review. Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional & Medical Foods 3(4) 85-92.
Poudel, D.D., W.R. Horwath, J. P. Mitchell, and S.R. Temple. 2001. Impacts of cropping systems on nitrogen storage and loss. Agricultural Systems 68:253-268.
Poudel, D.D., H. Ferris, K. Klonsky, W.R. Horwath, K.M. Scow, A.H.C. van Bruggen, W.T. Lanini, J.P. Mitchell, and S.R. Temple. 2001. The Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems Project in California’s Sacramento Valley. Outlook on Agriculture 30(2): 109-116. [Invited paper]
Rämert, B., R.L. Bugg, M.S. Clark, M.R. Werner, R.P. McGuinn, D.D. Poudel, and A.M. Berry. 2000. Influence of Lumbricus terrestris inoculation on green manure disappearance and the decomposer community in a walnut orchard. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 33: 1509-1516.
Colla, G., J.P. Mitchell, B.A. Joice, L.M. Huyck, W.W. Wallender, S.R. Temple, T.C. Hsiao, and D.D. Poudel. 2000. Soil physical properties, tomato yield and quality in alternative cropping systems. Agronomy Journal 92:924-932.
Poudel, D.D., D.J. Midmore, and L.T. West. 2000. Farmer participatory research to minimize soil erosion on steepland vegetable systems in the Philippines. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 79:113-127.
Poudel, D.D., and L.T. West. 1999. Soil development and fertility characteristics of a volcanic slope in Mindanao, the Philippines. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63:1258-1273.
Poudel, D.D., D.J. Midmore, and L.T. West. 1999. Erosion and productivity of vegetable systems on sloping volcanic ash-derived Philippine soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 63: 1366-1376.
Poudel, D.D., T.M. Nissen, and D.J. Midmore. 1999. Sustainability of commercial vegetable production under fallow systems in the uplands of Mindanao, the Philippines. Mountain Research and Development. 19(1): 41-50.
Poudel, D.D., D.J. Midmore, and W.L. Hargrove. 1998. An analysis of commercial vegetable farms in relation to sustainability in the uplands of Southeast Asia. Agricultural Systems 58(1): 107-128.
Midmore, D.J., and D.D. Poudel. 1996. Asian vegetable production systems for the future. Agricultural Systems 50: 51-64.
Jansen, H.G.P., D.J. Midmore, and D.D. Poudel. 1995. Sustainable peri-urban vegetable production and natural resources management in Nepal. Journal of Farming Systems Research-Extension 5 (2): 86-107.